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Forward Trust app – Terms of Service

Listed below are 9 rules which we expect all users of the Forward Trust app to adhere to while using the platform.

The Forward Trust app is designed for you to help yourself and others to move in a positive life direction, and we expect everyone to conduct themselves with this spirit in mind while using it.

However, any messages, content or comments which are found to break the below rules will be removed. Depending on severity and frequency, Forward staff may use measures including (but not limited to) face-to-face discussions with Forward staff, formal warnings, or account suspension or deactivation for anyone who breaks the below rules.

1. No abuse

      The Forward Trust app aims to harness the power of positive peer support – insulting, abusive or generally negative comments or posts won’t be tolerated. Please always be respectful, polite and supportive of others.

      2. No offensive material

        Posts or comments which include explicit or obscene content (including language, imagery, video etc.) are strictly prohibited. ‘Jokes’ are not excluded from this rule.

        3. Respect diversity

          The Forward Trust app should be a welcoming space for everyone who wishes to participate. Please refrain from using language that is – or that could be construed to be – racist, sexist, homophobic or otherwise offensive towards different religious beliefs, disabilities, nationalities or age.

          4. No illegal behaviour

            Using the platform to organise illegal behaviour – including soliciting drugs – is not only strictly prohibited but will be reported to the police if discovered.

            5. No self-promotion or spam

              Please do not use the Forward Trust app to advertise or promote your own business or work. If you are able to provide a product or service that you feel will be genuinely beneficial to the community, please contact a member of the Forward staff to advise on whether it could be appropriate to share on the platform.

              6. Don’t give out personal details

                Please avoid sharing personal information about yourself such as your phone number, home address or personal social media profiles on the Forward Trust app. If you have a specific reason for needing to share any such information with another platform user, speak to a moderator before doing so.

                7. Try not to duplicate content

                  Before you post something, remember to use the search bar to see if someone else has already began a discussion on the subject which you could contribute to with a comment instead. This will make it easier for everyone to find the answers or content they’re looking for.

                  8. Look after each other and report bad behaviour

                    As well as obeying the rules, we hope you’ll help us keep the platform safe by acting responsibly if you see anything that may cause offense or upset. Forward staff will do their best to monitor the platform and remove content or comments which contravene the above rules – but if you spot something before we do, please report it using the ‘report’ function. We can then act to have it removed. 

                    9. If you need urgent help, speak to staff or the emergency services

                    The Forward Trust app is designed to be an online space in which you can benefit from support from others – but it isn’t a crisis service. If you need help urgently, please instead speak directly to a member of Forward staff, call 999, or speak to the Samaritans on 116 123.