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Blog 7 October 2024

The Latest Graduation Testimonies from Recovery Online

Forward Trust’s Recovery Online is an intensive 12-week structured rehab programme which enables people who experience addiction to remotely access group therapy and tailored support from anywhere in the UK.

Recovery Online is designed to appeal to anyone but can be particularly helpful for those dealing with accessibility challenges including agoraphobia, caring responsibilities, mobility issues, or transport and travel constraints.

At a recent graduation event, four Recovery Online graduates shared their positive experiences with the programme. Read their testimonies below (names have been changed to protect people’s identity).


When I was introduced to Recovery Online I had just had a relapse and was in need of structure, routine, and support.

The way the programme broke down the twelve steps with a therapeutic approach also gave me a deeper understanding of recovery than I’ve been able to achieve before.

The online aspect of the programme made me nervous at first, but I found that it fostered a really intimate bond with the other participants despite not being in the same room as them. The communication flowed really well between us, and the staff were gentle and kind in facilitating that.


Before starting the programme, my life had become completely unmanageable due to my alcohol use. Recovery Online gave me a space to share the issues I was having in an environment in which I felt really supported by everyone involved.

The staff made me feel very safe and I found the one-to-one sessions particularly helpful in getting me to sobriety. The online aspect was a huge help to me as being able to participate from my bedroom was massively important when I was in early recovery and struggling to go out. Lots of breaks are given which makes it much more manageable.

I feel much calmer now and have a much better sense of myself and trust in other people, which I lacked before. I’m very grateful to The Forward Trust for their work on this, particularly to staff members Juliet and Jack who were so good with me.


I was a drug and alcohol user in a chaotic and unhelpful living situation before I was referred to Recovery Online. As much as anything, it gave me a structure and something to look forward to, which was massively important in the early stages of my recovery.

The programme helped me with confidence and taught me a lot about the reasons behind addiction, which was new information to me as I hadn’t been able to afford rehab before. The Forward staff were very welcoming, allowing participants to be open about their problems. They made me feel like I could cope with the routine of working life and gave me the tools I needed to deal with the intrusive thoughts and self-doubt I’d previously struggled with.

I’d urge anyone considering Recovery Online not to listen to any initial negative thoughts you might have about taking the leap of starting a programme like this – it can be easy to talk yourself out of it, but you’ve got nothing to lose and you’ll learn a lot. I’m hugely grateful for the part Forward have played on my journey which wouldn’t have happened without them.


My motivation for starting Recovery Online was knowing that I needed some sustained support for dealing with my problems with alcohol after successive relapses – I needed to try anything I could.

My experience with the programme was really satisfying. The Forward staff made me feel comfortable about opening up in a non-judgemental space. My understanding of how to recover meaningfully has improved in a way that I think I can apply. My gratitude has also improved and I’ve been able to connect with people in a very meaningful way.

My life just feels much more vast now – the possibilities and potential feels so much bigger and I feel I can experience recovery in a deep way. I would encourage others not to be put off by any nerves or preconceptions you might have about embarking on a rehab programme because this one is much easier to understand than more traditional, rigid approaches and you have the ability to really connect to your own recovery.

To find out more about Recovery Online, click here or contact

Recovery Online

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